Neville Goddard, a prominent figure in the New Thought movement, introduced a powerful concept known as the “Law of Assumption.” This concept has been a catalyst for personal transformation and manifestation in the lives of countless individuals. In this blog post, we will delve into what Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption is and explore how you can apply it in your life to manifest your desires and create the reality you desire.

Understanding the Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption, as elucidated by Neville Goddard, is built on the fundamental belief that your assumptions about reality shape your experiences. Simply put, what you assume to be true becomes true for you. In Neville’s words, “Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and as night follows day, you will achieve your desire.” This profound statement encapsulates the essence of the Law of Assumption.

1. Imagination is the Key: Neville Goddard emphasizes the role of imagination in shaping your reality. He believed that imagination is the workshop where you create your reality. When you assume a particular outcome in your imagination, you set the stage for that outcome to manifest in your physical reality.

2. Feeling is the Secret: Neville stresses the importance of embodying the feeling of having your desires fulfilled. It’s not enough to simply think or visualize your desired outcome; you must also feel it with the utmost intensity. The emotional charge you attach to your assumptions is what gives them power.

3. Persist in Your Assumption: Consistency and persistence are crucial in working with the Law of Assumption. Neville Goddard encourages individuals to persist in their chosen assumptions until they are realized. Doubt and wavering can hinder the manifestation process.

Applying the Law of Assumption in Your Life

Now that we’ve grasped the essence of the Law of Assumption, let’s explore how you can apply it in your life to manifest your desires:

1. Identify Your Desires: The first step is to clearly identify what you want to manifest in your life. It could be anything from career success and financial abundance to better health or fulfilling relationships.

2. Visualize and Feel Your Desires: Use your imagination to create vivid mental scenes of your desires being fulfilled. Imagine the sights, sounds, and most importantly, the feelings associated with your desired outcome. The more real it feels, the more powerful your assumption becomes.

3. Affirmations: Create positive affirmations that reflect your desired reality and repeat them daily. For example, “I am financially abundant” or “I am in a loving and harmonious relationship.” These affirmations reinforce your assumptions.  If something like that is hard to believe, just repeat “Isn’t it wonderful?!” often throughout the day, not relating it to anything, but just feeling the great feeling of saying that phrase.

4. Stay Persistent:  Avoid doubting or contradicting your assumptions. When doubts or negative thoughts creep in, gently redirect your focus back to your desired reality. Persistence is key in manifesting your assumptions.  If you find yourself doubting, fearful, worrying or being impatient which are the 4 blocks to manifestation, I recommend the “it is done” technique as outlined by Richard Dotts.  You can virtually eliminate those 4 blocks with this technique.

5. Act as if: In your daily life, act as if your desires have already been realized. This doesn’t mean being delusional but rather adopting the mindset and behaviors of the person who has already achieved what you desire.

The great Cary Grant once said, “I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant.”  And we all know what great things he accomplished. So he acted as if he was already the person he wanted to become.

6. Release Attachment to the How: Don’t get caught up in the ‘how’ your desires will manifest. Trust that the universe will align circumstances and opportunities to make your assumptions a reality.  As Neville as said, they how is beyond finding out.  Just know these techniques work and you will be surprised and amazed at how it happens.

7. Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the things you’ve assumed are already yours, even before they physically manifest. Gratitude amplifies the power of your assumptions.  Again, repeating the phrase “Isn’t it wonderful?!” is a great phrase to repeat because it does not cause resistance, but a good feeling.  And FEELING is the most important thing.

Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption is a potent tool for transforming your life and manifesting your desires. By using the power of your imagination and feelings, you can shape your reality in alignment with your assumptions. Remember that this process requires patience, persistence, and faith. As you practice and refine your use of the Law of Assumption, you’ll find that the life you’ve always dreamed of can become a tangible reality. So, assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and watch your world transform.

To learn more about Neville Goddard’s manifestation techniques and success stories, I recommend this book.

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