Neville Goddard, a prominent figure in the New Thought movement of the 20th century, emphasized the power of imagination and the concept of the “State of the Wish Fulfilled” as a key to manifesting your desires. His teachings have inspired countless individuals to transform their lives by harnessing the creative power of their minds. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Neville Goddard’s philosophy and explore practical steps to get into the state of the wish fulfilled.

Understanding the State of the Wish Fulfilled

Neville Goddard believed that everything you desire already exists because creation is finished, and your task is to align yourself with that reality through your thoughts and feelings. Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts:

1. Imagination: Neville Goddard considered imagination to be the most divine aspect of human consciousness. He argued that you can create your reality by using your imagination to visualize your desires as if they have already come true.

2. State of the Wish Fulfilled: This state is a mental and emotional condition in which you truly believe your desire has already been realized. It’s a state of absolute certainty, where there is no doubt or lack.

Steps to Get into the State of the Wish Fulfilled

Now that you have a basic understanding of the concept, let’s explore practical steps to help you get into the state of the wish fulfilled:

1. Define Your Desire Clearly: Begin by identifying your specific desire. What do you want to manifest in your life? Be as specific and detailed as possible.

2. Create a Mental Image: Use your imagination to vividly picture your desire as if it’s already yours. Imagine all the sensory details – what you see, hear, feel, and even smell and taste in this fulfilled state.

3. Feel the Emotions: The key to Neville’s teaching is not just visualizing but feeling the emotions associated with your desire. Feel the joy, gratitude, and contentment as if your wish has already been granted.

4. Repetition and Persistence: Consistency is crucial. Repeat your mental imagery and emotional engagement daily. The more you immerse yourself in this state, the more real it becomes to your subconscious mind.  The best time to do this is right before you go to sleep when you are in a drowsy state.  Go to sleep with a picture of having what you want and a FEELING of gratitude and RELIEF that you have it.  Do this every night and watch what happens.

BUT you can’t do this at night and then go talk about and notice that you don’t have it and feel bad throughout the day.  Your state throughout the day must match the feeling that you have it.  Yes, it takes practice, but this is what works.

5. Eliminate Doubt: Doubt is the enemy of manifestation. Whenever doubt creeps in, remind yourself that in the state of the wish fulfilled, there is no room for doubt. Replace doubt with faith and conviction.

That’s easier said then done.  I have found a super easy technique where you can eliminate doubt, fear, worry and impatience (the 4 major blocks to manifestation) as they come up and eventually you will find they just don’t come into your mind.  It’s a technique by another one of my mentors, Richard Dotts, and you can read about it here.  Truly life changing.

6. Let Go of Attachment: Let go of attachment to what you don’t want and let go of negativity.  Sometimes we are SO attached to our old story that we talk about it and our problems all the time.  Imagine and also ask yourself the question:  How would I think, speak, feel and act if my desire was already fulfilled?

7. Act As If: Start acting and making choices in alignment with your desired state. This reinforces your belief that your wish is already fulfilled and helps bridge the gap between your current reality and the desired one.

8. Gratitude: Cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings you already have and for the manifestation of your desire, which is on its way.

Neville Goddard’s concept of the State of the Wish Fulfilled teaches us that our imagination is a powerful tool for creating the life we desire. By defining your desires, visualizing them with intensity, and cultivating the emotions associated with their fulfillment, you can effectively manifest your dreams. Remember, the key is unwavering belief and a strong connection to the state of your wish fulfilled. With practice and persistence, you can bring your dreams into reality and experience the transformative power of Neville Goddard’s teachings.

For more on how to get into the state of the wish fulfilled, I recommend this book.

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