Discover Heal Review

What is Discover Heal?  It is a company selling digital products, physical products and transformational events.  The company has been in business since 2014, but added the affiliate program 2 weeks ago.

The company is not just about making money, but about a sense of community.  They have built a community and culture of helping each other. An example was given that someone lost their house to a hurricaine and the community came together to help them rebuild out of their own pocket.

The founder is Stephen Munson and the company is based around his personal transformation of healing in all aspects of life, physically, mentally and financially.


Immunotherapy Products 

Th Plus – may have the ability to help balance immune system, prevent infections, and increase stamina.
Centella Asiatica Juice Powder (156 mg)  |  Guava Fruit Juice Powder (100 mg)  | Isolated Soy Protein (100 mg)  |  Black Sesame Extract (80 mg)  |  Mangosteen Extract Powder (70 mg)
Cost: $69 for 60 capsules. Save 15% on autoship

BIM.A – may have the ability to help with autoimmune issues, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis
Sesame Extract (200 mg) |  Centella Asiatic Powder (104 mg) |  Protein Extract Soy (100 mg)  |  Guava Juice (50 mg)  |  Mangosteen Juice Powder (50 mg)
Cost: $69 for 60 capsules. Save 15% on autoship

BIM. D – may have the ability to help with Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2
Black Sesame Extract (250 mg)  |  Isolated Soy Protein (105 mg)  |  Centella Asiatica Juice Powder (50 mg)  |  Guava Fruit Juice Powder (50 mg)  |  Mangosteen Extract Powder (50 mg)
Cost: $69 for 60 capsules. Save 15% on autoship

BIM. E – may have the ability to help with glaucoma, far sighteness, cataracts, and uveitis.
Centella Asiatica Powder (150 mg)  |  Sesame Extract (100 mg)  |  Protein Soy Extract (100 mg)  |  Guava Powder (100 mg)  |  Mangosteen Powder (50 mg)
Cost: $69 for 60 capsules.  Save 15% on autoship

Digital Products

VIP Suitcase Coach – Building your business, motivation, mindset, personal growth and community training
Cost: $49/mo

Big Profile Products – Facebook Marketing Training
Cost: $199

I Am 21 Day Challenge – personal transformation challenge
Cost: $399

Coming Soon:

Business Class Training
Cost: $500

First Class Training
Cost: $3000

Cost to Join Discover Heal: Free – Includes a Marketing System

Compensation Plan:  Endless straight line comp plan,
Free passups,  and 24 hour notice.
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