Neville Goddard’s teachings advocate a powerful mindset shift: the art of living in the end, behaving as if your desires are already a tangible reality. By embodying this philosophy, you’re not just wishing for your dreams to materialize—you’re actively manifesting them into existence.

1. Feeling as if Your Desires are Already Fulfilled: Neville emphasizes the importance of feeling the emotions associated with having your desires already realized. This isn’t merely wishful thinking; it’s about experiencing the joy, gratitude, and fulfillment as if your aspirations are part of your present reality.

2. Thinking from the End: Your thoughts shape your reality. Neville stresses the significance of thinking from the end result you desire. Visualize and dwell on the scenario as if it has already occurred. This mental rehearsal helps align your thoughts with the outcome you seek.

3. Speaking as if Your Desires Are Reality: Words hold immense power. Speak about your desires in the present tense, as though they are already happening. Use affirmations and positive language to reinforce your belief in the manifestation of your dreams.

4. Acting in Alignment with Your Desires: Your actions should mirror your belief in the fulfillment of your desires. Act as if what you desire is already a part of your life. This might involve making decisions, setting goals, or taking steps that align with your envisioned reality.

5. The Role of Faith and Persistence: Neville emphasizes faith as a crucial element. It’s about unwavering belief in the inevitable manifestation of your desires. Combine this with persistence; continue living in the end even when faced with challenges or setbacks.
He said it’s like you see the end of a great movie.  Then you want to go back and see the whole movie.  You are not phased by the twist and turns and challenges of the movie because you know how it ends.

Think of your life like that.  You are living from the end and imagining your reality as already true, so what is present right now does not phase you because you know how it ends.

Mastering Neville Goddard’s teachings requires a holistic approach that integrates feeling, thinking, speaking, and acting as if your desires are already a tangible reality. By aligning these aspects, you invite your dreams to manifest more seamlessly into your life.

Living in the end isn’t just a practice but a lifestyle—a conscious choice to shape your reality and step into the life you envision.

To learn more about how to manifest your desires and success stories, I highly recommend this book.



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