Manifestation isn’t just about wanting something; it’s about becoming someone who already possesses it. This fundamental principle lies at the heart of Neville Goddard’s teachings on living in the state of the wish fulfilled. The crux of his philosophy isn’t solely about visualization or positive thinking; it’s about adopting a mental state where your desire is a present reality.

Understanding the State of the Wish Fulfilled

Goddard emphasized the importance of living in the end, where you mentally occupy the state that reflects the fulfillment of your desires. It’s about feeling the emotions, sensations, and gratitude as if your wish has already been granted. This state isn’t just a fleeting thought; it’s an immersive experience where you dwell in the consciousness of already having what you desire.

Imagination as the Creative Power

For Goddard, imagination wasn’t just a tool for wishful thinking; it was the creative force behind reality. He believed that imagining a scenario vividly and feeling its reality within oneself led to its eventual materialization. By persistently experiencing the wish fulfilled in your mind, you shape your reality from the inside out.

The Role of Belief and Faith

Central to Goddard’s teachings is unwavering faith in the fulfillment of your desires. Belief isn’t passive; it’s an active force that sustains the state of the wish fulfilled. Doubts and contradictory thoughts act as barriers, disrupting the manifestation process. To truly embody this state, one must have unshakeable faith in the realization of their desires.

Practical Steps to Living in the State of the Wish Fulfilled

  1. Clarify Your Desire: Get crystal clear on what you want to manifest. Visualize it in detail.
  2. Create the Scene: Construct a mental scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire. Engage your senses and emotions in this visualization.
  3. Feel it Real: Immerse yourself in the experience of having your desire. Let the emotions of joy, gratitude, and fulfillment wash over you.
  4. Persist and Believe: Consistently revisit this state in your imagination. Let go of doubts and nurture unwavering belief in the reality of your wish.

Incorporating Neville Goddard’s Wisdom into Daily Life

Living in the state of the wish fulfilled isn’t a one-time exercise; it’s a way of being. Incorporate these practices into your daily routine. Cultivate a mindset where you already have what you desire, and watch as your reality begins to align with your inner state.

Remember, manifestation is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a deep understanding of your own power to create. By embodying the state of the wish fulfilled, you not only manifest your desires but also transform yourself into a person capable of achieving them.

Start living as if your desires are already a reality, and watch the world rearrange itself to match your inner state.

If you want to learn more about how to incorporate these practices into your life and understand why you really can be, do or have whatever you want, I highly recommend this book.



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