The Kibo Code Review

What is the Kibo Code?
It is a product launching on February 28th teaching a unique way to make money with ecommerce.  The training is 8 weeks long and does not involve Facebook, Amazon, inventory, or talking to customers.

The training involves 4 simple steps and takes 24-48 hours to set up.  It is modeled around a brick and mortar store in Japan that makes billions of dollars every year.  Basically this store puts out a lot of products for customers to choose from and then remove the ones that don’t sell and add more products and continue to remove the ones that don’t sell.  What they are left with are only products that well really well.

With the Kibo code, you will model this system online.  The training will teach you how to set up a store, identify profitable products, and send traffic using untapped sources and methods.


Aiden Booth and Steven Clayton
They have had many successful product launches including the 7 Figure Cycle, Parallel Profits, and The 100K Factory.

Launch Dates:
January 22nd- Prelaunch
January 28th – Cart Opens
February 6th – Cart Closes

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