If you’re like me, you have paid $97/month for clickfunnels.  I have more than covered the cost of that with my business, but I remember the days where I was spending more than I was making and $97/month was kind of like reminding me that I was losing money every month, even though I was working hard!

And there were business opportunities I joined that had a share code to the funnel inside of clickfunnels, so I thought I had no choice.

It was not until I found the HBA funnel that all of that changed.  I also found someone who can recreate any funnel inside of clickfunnels in the HBA funnel builder, which is 1/4 of the cost of clickfunnels or $25/month.

Inside the HBA funnel builder, you can use templates or create your own.

Here are examples of some templates you can use.

And if you watch this short video, you can see one that I had recreated from clickfunnels inside the HBA funnel builder and it looks exactly the same…

If you want to save $72/month or $864/year over clickfunnels and get access to the HBA funnel builder to create all your landing pages plus many more features, you can GO HERE.

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