Forsage Review
First of all, what is Forsage?
Forsage is a Smart Contract Crypto earnings program which is decentralized. It is Ethereum based.
What is the product?
There is no product other than Ethereum and the ability to promote the program. You are buying into a crypto earnings program.
Cost to Join?
To join Forsage, it requires a one time payment of 0.05 Ethereum. So it depends on the price of Ethereum at the time you join as to how much you will pay. Of course the more slots you purchase, the more you pay, up to $50,000 or more, again depending on the price of Ethereum when you join (keep reading as I interview current Forsage members and their experiences).
The Compensation Plan
Forsage’s compensation plan is matrix, 3×1 and 2×2. Learn more here:
How Will You Get Paid With Forsage?
You will get paid via one of two wallets, Trust Wallet (mobile/tablet) or Metamask (computer).
If you are online in the internet marketing or MLM space, you have to be hiding under a rock to have not heard of Forsage. I am not a part of Forsage, but I have been watching from the sidelines and interviewing some people who are in Forsage. My main question to them is how much did you invest and how much have you made from the spillover?
I will share that in just a bit. The problem I have with some marketers is that Forsage is being promoted as something you can buy into to get Ethereum and then make money without doing anything from the spillover you will get. And some leaders are giving bonuses if you come in at the top level such as a traffic rotator. But I have seen people come in under these leaders and get no spillover.
In questioning some of the members, I asked will everyone get spillover? And the member I asked said yes, but it depends on how many other people just joined to do nothing and not recruit anyone.
So then my next question is if you spend for example $50,000 to get into the top spot, will you make that money back from not recruiting? Not only make the money back, but actually make a profit? But then of course you will have the Ethereum still, right? But what if the price of that goes down? And can’t you just buy it on your own without joining Forsage?
I’m not saying you can’t make money with Forsage because many people are, but I think the way some people are presenting it can be misleading. And I do feel the people making the most money are those that are able to recruit a lot of people and already have a large following. When people see what these top earners are making, it entices them to join, thinking this is easy to market and they will make a lot of money too.
Then the people who come into the opportunity thinking they will make money by doing nothing are disappointed. This was someone’s comments in a youtube video who joined under a top leader who is making $100,000’s of dollars.
Is Forsage A Scam And Will You Really Make Money With It?
So I wanted to share also with you conversations I have had with members of Forsage who are both friends of mine.
Here is the first conversation (with someone who is a part of Forsage and at the time had made $10,000)
Me: I don’t have any interest in joining Forsage, but was wondering if you could answer some questions because I wanted to do a review on Forsage to help people make a decision.
When someone goes “all in” with Forsage, how much would that cost someone?
Let’s say someone comes in at the top level and puts all that money in, thinking that they don’t have to do any recruiting, is it possible that they won’t make that money back? Meaning even though they were under a top leader, they can’t solely rely on the spillover to make really good money because they are going to have to make back the money they put in and then on top of that make money to make a good income?
When someone goes “all in” like some of the leaders require people to do to get their bonuses, approximately how much is that? Is it like $3000?
Forsage member: To “go all in” on x3, it’s $25,000 for all 12 slots. And the same for the x4 which is roughly around $25,000, depending on the price of Etherum. So there’s 12 slots on x3 and 12 slots on x4. With the spillover, when you position yourself as high as you can, you put yourself in an advantageous position to get more of the spillover on the higher levels of course because there’s less people at those levels.
Now, there is spillover for all the levels. The system is just going to go through and see who qualifies for them so when there’s a spillover that’s bigger, a lot of people have missed out on it.
Me: Let’s say someone come in and puts that kind of money in, thinking that they don’t have to do any recruiting, it is possible that they won’t make that money back? Meaning like even though let’s say they were under a top leader, they can’t solely rely on the spillover to make really good money because they are going to have to make back what they put in and then make money on top of that to make a good income?
It is possible for someone to come in and not make anything at all, correct, from spillover?
Forsage member: The system will actually show you a warning to let you know that missed a spillover on a higher level. It’s an incentive to make sure you don’t miss out of any of the payments that come through. So, someone who comes in and goes “all in” on x4 and they don’t do anything else, we do have people on the team who have done that and they made a good amount of money and then some back without recruiting anybody.
Of course when you do recruit, you do have more control over it because if you are “all in,” you won’t miss any payments, unless it’s the reinvestment slots. So to go “all in” if you did all of x3 and x4, it’s $50,000 (at the time of this interview). And the spillover, it will happen, there’s just no guaranteed time frame on it.
Me: The 9 slots that you have, how much did you pay for those? And also is it possible for someone to come in at whatever level and never get anything back, other than owning the Etherium? Meaning is it possible not to get any spillover at all? They can’t guarantee that you will make money, correct?
Forsage Member: Yeah, so basically what I did was I started with $1000 and then I reinvested my earnings to get to 9 slots. I believe the 9 slots is around $1500. So basically each slot is $12, $24, $48, $92, etc, etc as far as the cost of the slots and again that’s based off the price of Ethereum. Usually the people that are saying they are not getting spillover is from people that are sitting at those lower slots.
Let’s say someone is sitting at the first slot and their expectation is that they are going to make a lot of money. You have to think of how many other people are sitting at that slot with that same mentality. So the system has to go through all those people to see who is qualified to get the spillovers, so they will get it eventually, but it’s just going to take a lot longer because of the slot. It all comes down to positioning. You position yourself at a level where you can catch as many of the bigger payments as well as the small payments.
Me: There are people who are saying it is a red flag because there is no owner. Who is the owner?
Forsage Member: There is no owner. The developers of the Smart Contract, they are also in Forsage too, as active participants. They are just somewhere in the matrix. They created this and once it’s created, of course it can’t be shut off. And what they are doing with it is actually making it more secure. They are putting in place extra security measures so that even the URL cannot be taken down.
Forsage is 100% decentralized, so it can’t be taken down. The government can’t take it down. Also, you are in control of what’s going on with your funds, so as soon as you get paid in Forsage, it’s automatically in your Ethereum wallet via the Metamask or Trust Wallet or whatever you are using. And your money is not stuck on a platform like other platforms that have been taken down because we are decentralized.
What Does Another Forsage Member (Full Time Internet Marketer) Have To Say About Spillover?
Me: Did you join Forsage?
Forsage Member (full time internet marketer): I did join forsage pretty high because I was almost directly under (top leader) whom I was told was going to send 50k clicks. Barely got any spillover although I am about even but feel bad since many joined under me, did nothing, and didn’t earn anything like (top earner’s) video almost promises. You seem to have to get extremely lucky to get good spillover.
Me: That’s what I kind of thought would happen cause people think I’m joining under this leader and I’m going to get all this spillover and I won’t have to do a thing. I hate that. So how much did you spend if you don’t mind me asking?
Forsage Member (full time internet marketer): Around $5k. Most of it required for the bonus.
Me: So when you said you pretty much broke even, is that from other people joining and not from the spillover? Because a lot of people think they are going to join and not do a thing and then they get money from the spillover.
Forsage Member (full time internet marketer): Yes, from people joining, not from spillover. I think i got some spillover but hard to tell. I know most of my referrals barely got spillover except at upper level of matrix which doesn’t earn them anything.
Me: (asking a few weeks later same member): Are you still promoting Forsage?
Forsage Member (full time internet marketer): No not promoting it anymore because (top leader) promises everyone spillover and tells them to only buy x4 and not x3. x4 gets people spillover but makes them very little if they promote themselves. People need x3 to promote themselves. (Top leader) does not promote it as promised and no one is getting spillover. None of the people I got in previously have made anything so don’t want to get more people in the same situation.
Me: Ok I see. Thanks for sharing.
Note: The total cost to get all slots with Forsage at the time of the writing of this blog post is around $80,000
My Conclusion About Forsage:
Some people will make a lot of money with Forsage and others will not, just like any other company. Is it a scam? I don’t think so, but you want to learn all the facts before you join and be sure you can recruit some people in order to make money and don’t rely solely on spillover. I do believe the people who will make a lot of money with this company will be those we have a large following, know how to market, and can recruit large numbers of people, not those who are going to get spillover from joining and not recruiting. Just like anything else, you must put in the time to learn how to market Forsage the right way.
Please leave a comment below with your thoughts and experiences with Forsage.
Thank you for your insights here, Karen!! I had been following this for a few weeks and thinking this may have really been “it” for me. Mostly I was watching Tanya and Paulo. I was pretty excited and if I had had the money I likely would have bought in / at least at the minimum level. Then I got extra occupied with getting Chloe off to college and work craziness and wasn’t watching for a bit. Then, just in the last few days it dawned on me that I wasn’t seeing much reference to it and wondered why?! Now I understand better.
You’re welcome, Karen! I can’t believe Chloe is off to college!!! Too bad it is COVID land, but I am happy she is starting her exciting future. She definitely has a bright future ahead of her. I too was tempted by Forsage, so I wanted to do some investigation of my own and glad that I did. For me, it would have been a huge distraction. I really feel like I said in the blog post that the people who are going to make the most money are those who have a large following, who can recruit, and know how to market. So I just wanted to let people know what I had suspected as it had been portrayed by some marketers that you can get in and do nothing and get spillover and make a lot of money. Thanks for stopping by, my friend!
Very interesting read. I have joined forsage and have had a small amount of spillover in x4 that has actually gone to my upline. That being said I have two friends (who joined under different people than I did) that are making thousands every month right now. They both have a small list to promote to. I’m really happy to see them winning with this as they have been in the MLM world for a while with only small profits.
Hi Karen,
Thanks for you comment as I am wanting to see what everyone’s experience is with Forsage, especially those who do not have a large following. Yes, it is great to see people winning with this who have not previously had success. The thousands a month they are making, do you know if that is from recruiting?