The Miracle System Review


What is the Miracle System?

It is a program started in January 2019, a “debt elimination” program.  The program is reported to: earn $3,000 – $40,000 in the next 14-30 days and have no more bills.  You are going to essentially turn your bills into banks. Who is the owner?

It’s a community of like minded people who all have the goal of no more bills.  The goal is to obtain 14-17 monthly expenses accounts or “banks.”

A bank is a living expense account.  These are the banks:

1) Housing
2) Taxes
3)  Car Expenses
4) Fun Bank
5) Child Care
6) Clothing
7) Vacation
8) Health Insurance
9) Life Insurance
10) Entrepreneur
11) Personal
12) Contribution
13) Retirement
14) Holidays
15) Investment
16) Real Estate
17) Non Profit


To get started you pay for the Housing bank for $110.  Then your “job” is to bring in one person.   It can come from someone you refer, spillover from your sponsor or from the rotator.  Each additional bank is $110.

You must have purchased 15 banks to become a profit center leader.  You must purchase a bank in order to qualify to earn at that level.  It is 1000 levels deep and at the highest level you earn $1725.   There are 17 banks for you to purchase.

The Product?

Digital Products

The Compensation Plan

You pass up your first sale unless you own the 17 banks and then you do not pass up.

Questions I have…

The amount you pay for each bank is what you owe each month.  So if you purchase all the banks for $1725, that is what you pay every month.  If you do not “recuit” someone the first month or the rotator or your sponsor does not give you a sale, you are required to pay that amount the next month (or the level you signed up at).

No one is talking about the products.  I understand the products are digital. How valuable are the products to be paying for example $1725 a month?

If someone just wants to purchase the product at that level, why would they need to continue to pay the  monthly fee?  What would they get for paying that fee every month?

How is the product you get different at every level?

What marketing skills are you learning?




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